Neurodiversity In Tech

Neurodiversity In Tech Website


Who is allowed to help?

Anyone can help! You don’t need open-source experience, and you don’t need to be neurodivergent (ND) to help the cause. If you ARE ND yourself, you can also join ND In Tech yourself.

What’s the process?

  1. Clone: Clone the project locally. Don’t make a fork.
  2. Ticket: Choose a ticket from the “To Do” column of our issue board that you think you can complete in under a week.
  3. Assign: Set to yourself.
  4. Move ticket: Drag ticket to the “In Progress” column.
  5. Create branch: Name the local branch with the issue number plus 1-3 words summarizing of ticket, such as 6-favicon or 18-day-night-toggle.
  6. Start: Try your best to get it started.
  7. Pull request: Create a PR into main. It doesn’t need to be complete yet; you can create one as soon as you start working on the ticket & keep pushing onto it.
  8. PR template: Fill in auto-generated template that will pop up. If it’s still in progress, just note such in the description, and ignore everything below the “Type of change” section.
  9. Request review: When it’s ready for code review or you have a question, assign it to an owner, with any questions right in the PR’s “Conversation” tab.
  10. Receive review: Owners will do a review of code or questions.
  11. Merging: When it’s good to go, an owner will merge the ticket into main.
  12. Thank you! We appreciate you contributing as a volunteer to this open-source, social-good project.

Who is allowed to move tickets to “To Do”?

Anyone can move a ticket from “To Do” > “In Progress” > “Code Review” as they work, but we currently only allow only owners to move specifically from “Planning” > “To Do”.

Who is allowed to review PRs?

Anyone can help with PR code reviews, but please don’t merge into main.

Who is allowed to push to or merge into main?

Right now, we only allow only owners to merge PRs into main.

Tech & resources

What tech is used?

This site is currently made with JavaScript, HTML, & CSS.

Where are the tickets?

We use GitHub Project Issues (linked here).

Where is the wireframe?

We have in-progress wireframe brainstorming happening on Penpot. If you’d like an invite to our team there, please reach out.


Who are the owners?

The owners of the repo are @hayleyw7 & @royemosby.

Is there a code of conduct?

Our general code of conduct applies here.

Where do meet, ask for help, or chat with the team?

We try to keep specific discourse and questions in tickets, PRs, and the GitHub Discussions tab.

Can I refer friends or colleagues?

Yes, please. We’re open to all minds & labor offered.

Open-Source Software (OSS)

Does this count as open-source experience?

Absolutely! Once you’ve had a PR merged into main, it’s great open-source & volunteer experience to put on your resume and post about on your LinkedIn.

What’s the official licensing?

The website is open-source and licensed under an MIT License.